Sunday, September 30, 2012

iPhone Vs. Droid Vs. Samsung Galaxy S3

     Well the topic that has for the last couple years has plagued the world. The iPhone vs. The droid vs. The Samsung Galaxy S3 and soon to go against the Windows 8 phone as well. After reading some reviews here it the bottom line on the iPhone 5, it is a fantastic phone but it is a phone that should have been out since 2010 with Apple finally integrating long since needed features such as a bigger screen, flat body and finally 4G is capable with the iPhone 5. The processing speeds are still not as fast as some droids or the windows 8 phones which according to statistics should have more processing power and speed. However, the iPhone 5 is a beautiful phone and the average person who wants complete and simple usability will be pleased as it is made to be easily understood without any problems. If you are looking for a wider screen you should check out the Samsung Galaxy S3 which as been a huge success for Samsung as of late with a beautiful sleek look and raw processing power which makes it fast but the battery is not that of the Droid Razr Maxx which is one of the top phones for battery life right now and the way to go for smart phones if you are looking for longevity. The upgrades Apple has added are as followed: new noise cancelling technology, as somewhat upgraded camera as they are trying to keep up with other phones, they have implemented a turn by turn navigation system and added a smarter Siri. One issue has been so far that the maps in the iPhone are buggy and not working properly still however so be aware of that even though I'm sure it will be fixed in an upcoming software update. The only other issue that seems to be coming up with the iPhone is the fact that all of the cables are going to have to be new, say goodbye to your old iPod docks because the iPhone 5 will not fit and my biggest problem with this is that it seems to be a scheme for more money and everyone will have to buy new accessories for their phones which is a bit of a bummer. After reading many reviews the iPhone will not be a technological breakthrough as the iPhone 4S was or the original iPhone, but none the less it is a good phone and an upgrade of what current Apple customers have. I personally will never be an iPhone customer, but I enjoy my tech especially the power that is being implemented into the new droids and windows phones that almost all have bigger screens and unfortunately have made most of the updates that the iPhone is not just getting. I know I concentrated on mostly the iPhone only because I feel as though is relates to the largest demographic. In the end I would say the iPhone for the everyday person who wants a phone that will do what they want and do it well most of the time, it is a consistent phone that you can count on however. If you want processing speed, bigger screens, higher quality cameras and just overall a more technologically advanced phone the iPhone may not be the phone for you. I guess all in all phones have come a long way and no one company is really in the lead in the smart phone world for now, so as of now you just have to choose what phone you feel is right for you.

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