Monday, September 24, 2012

Love is not a chore

     Most people out there at some point and time in life are looking for that life changing relationship where their first kiss will be there last and they no longer have to wonder whether they are going to have to go life alone. When looking for this part of life many of us desire we tend to look in the wrong places though and we find relationships that just turn out not be for us. Working hard to make the other person happy in a relationship is not a chore though, when it comes down to it your everyday life, activities and just how you are should make that person happy. Time and time people put themselves through hell trying to hold onto something that is not there with a person that just does not get them or has no respect for them, but we are so obsessed with finding "love" we can't see what's really going on. We need these experiences to learn and develop as people to make sure we don't make the same mistakes in relationships for the future. I have been fortunate or unfortunate enough to have every bad experience I can think of and now I find myself in one of the best relationships of my life. Just by me acting like myself I can make her one of the happiest girls in the world and that's what it comes down to being yourself and enjoying the one who enjoys you for being you. There can always be effort put forth into a relationship to make each other happy but it should never feel like a chore or something you have not found what you are looking for, because chores should manage your everyday not your love life. Find the person who wants to be with you for you and not for what you can do for them.

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