Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rest and Relaxation

Finally after a week of hard work and schooling I had a day off and boy what a day. I don't know how some people can be such workaholics and always have to be doing something. If it came down to me sitting on a couch all day with my girlfriend relaxing watching movies or going out partying, working, or anything else I would be on that couch with no problem. So as I do just that sit on my couch playing games and not caring what is going on in the outside world around me, because I have all I need right here. Now this may not be the lifestyle for everyone I know many like to be out and about partying and experiencing new things and I am all for that as you can't live your life from the couch, but wouldn't it be awesome if you could? I'm not hating on any kinds of lifestyles, but when it comes down to it everyone needs that time to just relax and just be a bum because without it you might just go crazy, I know I would.

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