Well it's the time of the year we all love Football Season, but slowly our year is being ruined due to replacement referees and greedy pro football refs on strike looking for more money. The integrity of the NFL has become more and more questionable as each game plays and their is no better example than what happened last night Monday 9/25/2012 which will be known as one of the most controversial calls of all time in the Greenbay Packers Vs. the Seattle Seahawks. All day long I have watched replays over and over about what happened and countless people are saying the refs got it wrong, and it is becoming universally upsetting. I am a Greenbay Packers fan so perhaps I have a bit of a biased opinion but over and over we watch how each of these professional players and reporters are saying that it is ridiculous how the referees called the game and ruined it for the Packers. It's time to wake up NFL! Your all making so much money yet you can't even call a fair game and as we watch week after week we will continue to be upset and disappointed that one of the biggest games in America is becoming unfortunately terrible. No matter what kind of fan you are it's time to send a message because this is getting ridiculous and many are not passionate about this topic but for those of you who are you know what I'm talking about. Let's get our NFL back to the way it should be so the professional players can give us games and display their skill without the luck of the back-up referees calling in their favor! This is not a hate message to anyone, but rather a message that things need to go back to the way they should be so we can all once again see integrity in our sport.
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