Monday, September 17, 2012

We are the new adults

As the days go by I am starting to realize more and more that I'm growing up and becoming the adults of the day and age. I sit in class and am working hard to graduate so I am on my way to looking at children one day and telling them that they are the future because I am the present creating the future that they will one day take over. It is a weird thought to get through my head but it really struck me today when I realize that I take care of myself and even my parents in many cases; what happened?!?! I miss the days of no responsibilities woke up at 12:00 went outside all day and played then came inside dinner was ready and the rest of the night was for video games and friends. Hope is not lost though, as I create a future with my loving girlfriend and supportive brother, family and friends I look forward to what the world of adulthood has to offer and hope that I will create a better world for those who are now enjoying a life of childhood. So next time you say you don't want to grow up think about what you can do for those growing up now and get excited about the world you can create for them.

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