So this morning on my way out for the day I noticed that there was a group of union workers standing outside of a construction site with a giant blow up rat with signs up about how they deserved the construction work over the privately owned company. So let me get this straight the person building didn't want to hire the group that costs more money, takes twice as long and works half as hard; seems to make sense to me. I am not speaking against the workers of the union keep in mind but rather what they stand for. They think that they should earn more money because they are part of an organization, in turn them making more money also makes them lazier because if you're making more money why would you want the job to take less time. Everyone has driven past those construction sites where there is one guy working and 6 guys standing around having their 7th lunch time of the day and no one can tell them to get back to work because they are union and they get twice as many breaks as normal construction workers, it's ridiculous. Please keep in mind I am not speaking of the policeman, teachers and firefighters that work hard to make this country great, but the lazy many who gives these unions a bad name and the rich unions that do not want to help out the private unions. In America right now many of our jobs are going overseas and for this very reason, the workers in America are much more expensive in America. We continue to wonder why our economy is in the dirt and jobs are so hard to find and that is for the simple reason that we are no longer the country that believes hard work is necessary to become successful and that money should simply be handed to us for the most minimal amount of work. I could rant about this all day, but I think you get the idea. It's time to wake up America and work for our economy to rise again rather than blaming it on any one man this is a country that came into existence because of hard work not from high pay rolls and lazy attitudes.
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