Friday, September 28, 2012

Release the frustration

     So I tend to be a person that holds a lot in especially when it comes to my emotions, which I am sure many of you can relate to. My question is how can we release this? People say, well you have to talk to someone about it, but why on earth would anyone want to hear about my emotions? For some reason that just doesn't click in my head although they may actually want to listen. I feel like through this blog I have finally found a way to trick my mind into perhaps expressing a bit of how I feel, even though the topics may not be important I feel that all of you can relate to me and I thank you for reading. I guess I'm just telling you all that it is good to have a sort of release whether it be taking our a gun and shooting a pillow, jumping up and down screaming at the top of your lungs (if your a 5 year old haha) or maybe just talking to someone. Get that frustration out because otherwise you might as well be a ticking time bomb and hopefully nobody you love is around when you go off because it won't be pretty. So next time someone says what's wrong just tell them because even if they are only asking to be nice that's their mistake and now it's their time to hear all about it!So don't let anyone silence you and seriously, find something that works for you and use it because if not that frustration will get out and you won't be in as much control as you could and you may just regret it, I know I have before.

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