Monday, September 24, 2012

Do You, Not Them

This week has been an interesting week, my emotions have really flared like never before. I ended up having one of the worst tempers that I have had in a long time and I payed for them dearly. I let things other people were doing get to me and ruin my good time and it was ridiculous. I am making a change, and from now on I'm just gonna do me and not worry about them. I have always been an emotionally driven person and that has made me passionate and spontaneous in both good and bad ways as many times I am unpredictably and asshole or the best friend you ever had and it shows. Many people are like that and they let things going on that doesn't concern them get to them or things going on with a person that is close to them, but they are gonna make their decisions and not take you into consideration most of the time so don't sweat the little things, pick your battles and DO YOU. Next time you see something getting you upset or irritated look the other way and find something that gives you a good feeling and get rid of all that negativity. Life is too short to live it with angst and hate and I'm learning how to make the most of each and every day without hurting anyone in the process. So keep the good times rolling and surround yourself with the positive and DO YOU!

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