Saturday, September 29, 2012

What's the Rush?

     In everyday life everyone seems to be in a rush, for those of you who live in New Jersey and drive on our roads everyday you know what I mean. The speed limit seems to be more of a guideline rather than a law anymore. People beeping when someone doesn't go in the first second of the light going green, running yellow lights that we obviously won't make and riding up so far on someones butt that they can see you picking your nose in their rear view mirror. I am guilty of all of these things I drive like a maniac, but I'm just wondering... whats the rush? Why am I rushing to work, school, or even to go out on a Saturday night, will it really make all the difference if I'm there 5 minutes earlier? Or maybe we are just riding the Pennsylvania driver in the left lane who refuses to pass anyone. I'm just saying everyone needs to relax a little bit because we are stressing each other out! Two days ago I was rushing around and of course the driver in front of me rolls down his window pulls to the side of me and begins to scream with his special finger up. Yea, these things happen, but I probably am to blame or maybe the guy was just having a bad day. If it's such a big deal maybe leave a couple minutes early so your not freaking out with road rage when the person in front of you refuses to go above the speed limit or just maybe stop driving all together and save our ozone layer. Being rushed is a part of life and will always happen, but maybe take your time for once and do it in your own time not worrying about what might happen if it's not done as fast as possible or your 5 minutes late because in all reality it's not that serious. So take a chill pill, quit the rush and get your relax on.

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