Alright this is for all you out there who think tanning makes you look better during the winter because everyone is apparently ugly when their normal pale skin color. I understand it is fall everyone and you want your skin to match the orange of the pumpkins and leaves changing and that's great and all good for you having that kind of spirit, but is it worth it? I am not sure why this topic bothers me so much but I feel that it is such a shallow act and just in the end stupid. Your gonna be twice as wrinkly as you age which last time I checked is not sexy and probably contract skin cancer or melanoma and no melanoma is not a sexy word for sexified. The fact is that tanning in the end is not worth the risk, just like smoking sure you may feel cool and think you look good now, but life is more than just birth to 30 years of age you have a lot more to go through. I am not trying to bash anyone for doing it and if it is what really makes you fell good about yourself and you don't care about the consequences then knock yourself out and go tanning everyday. Just make sure your not doing it blindly because it's something to take seriously and really won't benefit you in anyway when you older. So make the decision not to go tanning and get rid of that orange glow your rocking and one day I will say "Orange you glad you listened to me".
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