Blog that talks about emerging technologies in all sorts of industries. We live in a world where technology is constantly evolving so it's time we use it to benefit not only ourselves but the world around us. Hear about new technologies, what they are about and what their roles may be in the future.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
iPhone Vs. Droid Vs. Samsung Galaxy S3
Well the topic that has for the last couple years has plagued the world. The iPhone vs. The droid vs. The Samsung Galaxy S3 and soon to go against the Windows 8 phone as well. After reading some reviews here it the bottom line on the iPhone 5, it is a fantastic phone but it is a phone that should have been out since 2010 with Apple finally integrating long since needed features such as a bigger screen, flat body and finally 4G is capable with the iPhone 5. The processing speeds are still not as fast as some droids or the windows 8 phones which according to statistics should have more processing power and speed. However, the iPhone 5 is a beautiful phone and the average person who wants complete and simple usability will be pleased as it is made to be easily understood without any problems. If you are looking for a wider screen you should check out the Samsung Galaxy S3 which as been a huge success for Samsung as of late with a beautiful sleek look and raw processing power which makes it fast but the battery is not that of the Droid Razr Maxx which is one of the top phones for battery life right now and the way to go for smart phones if you are looking for longevity. The upgrades Apple has added are as followed: new noise cancelling technology, as somewhat upgraded camera as they are trying to keep up with other phones, they have implemented a turn by turn navigation system and added a smarter Siri. One issue has been so far that the maps in the iPhone are buggy and not working properly still however so be aware of that even though I'm sure it will be fixed in an upcoming software update. The only other issue that seems to be coming up with the iPhone is the fact that all of the cables are going to have to be new, say goodbye to your old iPod docks because the iPhone 5 will not fit and my biggest problem with this is that it seems to be a scheme for more money and everyone will have to buy new accessories for their phones which is a bit of a bummer. After reading many reviews the iPhone will not be a technological breakthrough as the iPhone 4S was or the original iPhone, but none the less it is a good phone and an upgrade of what current Apple customers have. I personally will never be an iPhone customer, but I enjoy my tech especially the power that is being implemented into the new droids and windows phones that almost all have bigger screens and unfortunately have made most of the updates that the iPhone is not just getting. I know I concentrated on mostly the iPhone only because I feel as though is relates to the largest demographic. In the end I would say the iPhone for the everyday person who wants a phone that will do what they want and do it well most of the time, it is a consistent phone that you can count on however. If you want processing speed, bigger screens, higher quality cameras and just overall a more technologically advanced phone the iPhone may not be the phone for you. I guess all in all phones have come a long way and no one company is really in the lead in the smart phone world for now, so as of now you just have to choose what phone you feel is right for you.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
What's the Rush?
In everyday life everyone seems to be in a rush, for those of you who live in New Jersey and drive on our roads everyday you know what I mean. The speed limit seems to be more of a guideline rather than a law anymore. People beeping when someone doesn't go in the first second of the light going green, running yellow lights that we obviously won't make and riding up so far on someones butt that they can see you picking your nose in their rear view mirror. I am guilty of all of these things I drive like a maniac, but I'm just wondering... whats the rush? Why am I rushing to work, school, or even to go out on a Saturday night, will it really make all the difference if I'm there 5 minutes earlier? Or maybe we are just riding the Pennsylvania driver in the left lane who refuses to pass anyone. I'm just saying everyone needs to relax a little bit because we are stressing each other out! Two days ago I was rushing around and of course the driver in front of me rolls down his window pulls to the side of me and begins to scream with his special finger up. Yea, these things happen, but I probably am to blame or maybe the guy was just having a bad day. If it's such a big deal maybe leave a couple minutes early so your not freaking out with road rage when the person in front of you refuses to go above the speed limit or just maybe stop driving all together and save our ozone layer. Being rushed is a part of life and will always happen, but maybe take your time for once and do it in your own time not worrying about what might happen if it's not done as fast as possible or your 5 minutes late because in all reality it's not that serious. So take a chill pill, quit the rush and get your relax on.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Release the frustration
So I tend to be a person that holds a lot in especially when it comes to my emotions, which I am sure many of you can relate to. My question is how can we release this? People say, well you have to talk to someone about it, but why on earth would anyone want to hear about my emotions? For some reason that just doesn't click in my head although they may actually want to listen. I feel like through this blog I have finally found a way to trick my mind into perhaps expressing a bit of how I feel, even though the topics may not be important I feel that all of you can relate to me and I thank you for reading. I guess I'm just telling you all that it is good to have a sort of release whether it be taking our a gun and shooting a pillow, jumping up and down screaming at the top of your lungs (if your a 5 year old haha) or maybe just talking to someone. Get that frustration out because otherwise you might as well be a ticking time bomb and hopefully nobody you love is around when you go off because it won't be pretty. So next time someone says what's wrong just tell them because even if they are only asking to be nice that's their mistake and now it's their time to hear all about it!So don't let anyone silence you and seriously, find something that works for you and use it because if not that frustration will get out and you won't be in as much control as you could and you may just regret it, I know I have before.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Greenbay Packers Vs. Seattle Seahawks
Monday, September 24, 2012
Love is not a chore
Most people out there at some point and time in life are looking for that life changing relationship where their first kiss will be there last and they no longer have to wonder whether they are going to have to go life alone. When looking for this part of life many of us desire we tend to look in the wrong places though and we find relationships that just turn out not be for us. Working hard to make the other person happy in a relationship is not a chore though, when it comes down to it your everyday life, activities and just how you are should make that person happy. Time and time people put themselves through hell trying to hold onto something that is not there with a person that just does not get them or has no respect for them, but we are so obsessed with finding "love" we can't see what's really going on. We need these experiences to learn and develop as people to make sure we don't make the same mistakes in relationships for the future. I have been fortunate or unfortunate enough to have every bad experience I can think of and now I find myself in one of the best relationships of my life. Just by me acting like myself I can make her one of the happiest girls in the world and that's what it comes down to being yourself and enjoying the one who enjoys you for being you. There can always be effort put forth into a relationship to make each other happy but it should never feel like a chore or something you have not found what you are looking for, because chores should manage your everyday not your love life. Find the person who wants to be with you for you and not for what you can do for them.
Fall is here... finally!
My favorite time of year has finally arrived, it's just cool enough to wear my long sleeve shirts but there is the chance at a warm sunny day yes that means its Fall. Football, beer, World of Warcraft (in my case) and hoodies. The leaves are just starting to get that color that makes the world look alive with the oranges, reds, yellows and light greens. Something about this season just makes me feel good inside like I can do whatever I want and everything will be ok, which is strange right? Sunday football comes around with playoff baseball and all of the sudden all the old friends are back together eating wings, drinking and making the good times roll. Finally we can all wear enough clothing that we can put on a few pounds and nobody would be the wiser that our six packs from the summer are gone and we are eating pies and cakes. This isn't a blog to give advice or insight, but rather a salute to the season that brings Amuurica to life where and the only differences that matter are what kind of fan you are. So bring fall in with a beer and a couch this year!
Do You, Not Them
This week has been an interesting week, my emotions have really flared like never before. I ended up having one of the worst tempers that I have had in a long time and I payed for them dearly. I let things other people were doing get to me and ruin my good time and it was ridiculous. I am making a change, and from now on I'm just gonna do me and not worry about them. I have always been an emotionally driven person and that has made me passionate and spontaneous in both good and bad ways as many times I am unpredictably and asshole or the best friend you ever had and it shows. Many people are like that and they let things going on that doesn't concern them get to them or things going on with a person that is close to them, but they are gonna make their decisions and not take you into consideration most of the time so don't sweat the little things, pick your battles and DO YOU. Next time you see something getting you upset or irritated look the other way and find something that gives you a good feeling and get rid of all that negativity. Life is too short to live it with angst and hate and I'm learning how to make the most of each and every day without hurting anyone in the process. So keep the good times rolling and surround yourself with the positive and DO YOU!
Monday, September 17, 2012
We are the new adults
As the days go by I am starting to realize more and more that I'm growing up and becoming the adults of the day and age. I sit in class and am working hard to graduate so I am on my way to looking at children one day and telling them that they are the future because I am the present creating the future that they will one day take over. It is a weird thought to get through my head but it really struck me today when I realize that I take care of myself and even my parents in many cases; what happened?!?! I miss the days of no responsibilities woke up at 12:00 went outside all day and played then came inside dinner was ready and the rest of the night was for video games and friends. Hope is not lost though, as I create a future with my loving girlfriend and supportive brother, family and friends I look forward to what the world of adulthood has to offer and hope that I will create a better world for those who are now enjoying a life of childhood. So next time you say you don't want to grow up think about what you can do for those growing up now and get excited about the world you can create for them.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Rest and Relaxation
Finally after a week of hard work and schooling I had a day off and boy what a day. I don't know how some people can be such workaholics and always have to be doing something. If it came down to me sitting on a couch all day with my girlfriend relaxing watching movies or going out partying, working, or anything else I would be on that couch with no problem. So as I do just that sit on my couch playing games and not caring what is going on in the outside world around me, because I have all I need right here. Now this may not be the lifestyle for everyone I know many like to be out and about partying and experiencing new things and I am all for that as you can't live your life from the couch, but wouldn't it be awesome if you could? I'm not hating on any kinds of lifestyles, but when it comes down to it everyone needs that time to just relax and just be a bum because without it you might just go crazy, I know I would.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Another day another dollar
As I worked my life away yet again today I realized that I might as well make the best of it, even if it's almost impossible to make the best of serving other people and taking shit from them. I literally tried to turn each customer into someone I would like to talk to and hang out with in my mind so that maybe I would be able to throw on a fake smile long enough for them to throw me a buck or two... pathetic I know. Tonight however I realized something, you have to make the best of everything and can't just sulk and be miserable because in the end when you go home you are going to still be that miserable person and no one wants to be around that. I also realized that I needed to take more days off to spend some time with friends, family and of course my girlfriend, but that is another topic entirely. When it comes down to it, no matter what you do for a living whether it be teaching children, cleaning up after people or running a million dollar company if you can't have a good time and put a smile on your going to be no better than you were the day before. Life does not hand you what you want, you have to work for it and this is just one step you can take at achieving your goals because not everyday will be full of rainbows and farts.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
As It Turns Out
So one thing that I have learned today is that you can please everyone. On a typical day I would lie and get myself out of situations, but I practiced something new today... the truth. Usually I would have excuse after excuse as to why I could not go out so as not to upset anyone, but today I told everyone what I was actually doing only to find out that they were cool with it and we made plans for a later date. There may not be enough time in the day, but there is certainly time you can make for people later on. Rather than lying and saying your sick, dog died, family issues just go with the truth. So as I sit down to end my day I have learned one thing that people may suprise you and there is a way to please everyone.
Can't Please Everyone
Today I ended up having one of the more full and busy days that I could normally have. People wanting to hang out, having to go to work, having homework. I realized that I wanted to do each of these things but there was just not enough time in the day. This leaves you with pick and choose decisions, which of these friends do I want to see? Is there anyway I could do it all? When is there time to do homework and also go out for the USA soccer game? This is where I am at right now... what do I do? So as I begin this homework I will be making decisions that everyone faces everyday in many cases because there just is not enough time in a day. So as I play out this day we will see how I can manage seeing these friends, making the girlfriend happy and keeping up with my work day and homework. Prioritizing then comes into place and this is where the day gets really tricky. So I'll update further when I come up with some solutions as to how the hell can we do it all?!?!?
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