Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sony Music Reports Apple's New Streaming Service Arrives Tomorrow

     Well it's about time that Apple inserts itself into another niche in the music industry. With the rumor unveiling of the new Apple streaming music service scheduled to be unveiled later this week at the Worldwide Developer Conference, it of course had to be leaked somewhere. Sony Music CEO Doug Morris reportedly told guests at the Midem Music Industry Festival that Apple's announcement of the Beats-based service is in fact "happening tomorrow". This would mean that at the WWDC keynote speech tomorrow, although he did not confirm anything else such as features or pricing, however he did state that their would be a "tipping point" in Apple's favor regarding streaming hits in the mainstream.
     We know that with programs like Spotify no matter how popular they seem to be no matter how much traffic they drive in they seem to "never be profitable", Morris stated. In Apple's case however they have the cash and marketing tools to quickly branch out to hundreds of millions of potential subscribers which may be the difference between Apple's new streaming service and the many others out there.
     Whether this is all just rumor or fact, will all be decided tomorrow when we see what Apple has to offer and what they can offer that tips the scales in their favor compared to the current streaming services available.

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