Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sony Looking to Drastically Improve the Playstation 4

     All gamers have griped about it at one point or another, the lack of storage that comes on consoles. Sony is looking to solve that issue with a single swoop as they are discussing a new 1 Terabyte Playstation 4.
     A new FCC filing seems to reveal that there may be 2 new versions of Sony's popular console PS4. The one we care about however is the 1-Terabyte hard drive that may be available to consumers; effectively doubling the current hard drive available.
     With digital downloads become more and more popular as hard-copies popularity drops one of the biggest issues with consoles today is running out of room to store it all one. As most titles can easily reach between 30-40 gigabytes of data taking up large amounts of hard-drive space in a hurry.
Many forum posters are already weighing in on the topic, with some saying that 1 terabyte is still not big enough and that Sony should aim higher, while others are happy that their is an upgrade happening at all. However, in addition to the hard-drive space increase many are noticing that the new Playstations are different in several other ways as well. They are using less power and are lighter (only slightly) than the more recent PS4 revisions which is most likely due to a better design. However, even with all of the updates it seems that many still want to see more out of Sony's PS4 revision, such as being able to support 5 gigahertz WiFi.
     Although in a time where most game updates are sporting a hefty 10-gigabytes we find that it is promising that Sony is taking the step to increase space for the user and hope that other console developers will follow their lead in making next-gen consoles truly next-gen by supporting the increasing digital marketplace.

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