Sunday, June 7, 2015

Drones Being Used To Stop Illegal Logging in Rainforest

     Technology is often thought of as something that disconnects us with nature and destroys the world around us, but finally drones are being used to protect the Amazon rain forest rather than destroy it. Finally, a good use for drones rather than filling our local skies with delivery drones (but that's a different kind of Amazon).
     We all know how massive the Amazon rain forest is and with illegal loggers constantly trying to poach the rain forest for its precious materials it makes it just about possible to 100% monitor and protect one of the worlds most precious forests. However, with drone technology there is now a custom-designed $5,000 drone known as "flying wing" which has been keeping an eye on a 550-square-mile reserve. The drone was developed by a Wake Forest University grad student Max Messinger. Although it is a smaller model than most of the drones we have seen in the news it has a greater maximum range and can still be equipped with a decent Canon camera while sporting auto-pilot.
Although the drone may not always catch these illegal loggers in the act, it can be used to spot any tiny trace of tree poachers or gold miners allowing a more ideal tracking system for those responsible in protecting the rain forest preserve.
The drone according to Messinger has already picked up a number of illegal mines and are working to ensure that these mines are eliminated and do not continue to spread through the protected areas.

We at TechEv0lution are extremely excited that we are finally using our technology to prevent further damage to our planet and keep our most amazing forests protected. In the future we hope to see more of these drones in the air to continue to put a stop to the illegal collection of precious materials that is provided to us, because if we don't we will see the rain forest continue to diminish at an even more rapid speed than it already is.

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