Saturday, June 6, 2015

Google Chrome Updated to Intelligently Pause Flash Animations

     As Adobe Flash has been on a constant downfall over the past few years, but it is still popular enough that often times it is the cause for the auto-play video on a website that makes us immediately leave site or want to smash it. As it is considered poor User Experience for a website to even have an auto-play video we are glad to see that Google Chrome is taking the steps to auto-pause any flash video that begins when the page loads.
     To be perfectly honest we are so thankful for a feature like this to be released with a browser as there are very few people if any who enjoy having auto-play videos especially flash videos which already cause slower load times and a heavier load on browsers. With Google Chrome taking this step it is just another way that Adobe Flash is slowly but surely being removed from our web experience which many of us will not miss.
     However, according to TechCrunch it would seem that Google actually partnered up with Adobe to keep Flash in check throughout web pages, and up until now there were only two options that Chrome offered to allow plugin content or stop all plugins from running automatically.

     Google is also saying that this update "significantly reduces power consumption." It will also stop annoying auto-playing videos from starting in the background. This will allow the browser to work with less power overall and for us laptop users that is a welcome update as often times browsers can have a large drain on laptop battery life.
     This update is now available in the Chrome desktop beta channel and Google says it will roll out the update to everyone soon.

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