Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Daily Grind

     Each day, we wake up and go straight to business. The 9-5 Monday-Friday work week we all dread and has us all saying "Can't wait for the weekend!". If we all hate this lifestyle so much it just made me wonder why do we force ourselves to do it? Why not just move to Greece and live off of the land and provide for yourself without having to worry about how much your paycheck is going to be from week to week. Is this way of life so amazing that we all just want to go out and fist pump every Saturday night. I know I don't. When it all starts to make sense the reason we work so hard day after day is because we are motivated by something. Whether it be starting a family, being the richest of the rich or just having enough to get by and enjoy life in your own way. All of these things that motivate us to work require money and as unfortunate as it is we are controlled by it. Each day the daily grind gets us, countless Facebook posts on how everyone hates waking up early or updates saying how happy they are that the day is over and the weekend is coming. We all need to make sure that we are playing as hard as we are working though, each of us has to work but in the long run the truth is all work and no play makes each of us boring as it gets. Eventually we all want to retire and never work another day in our life so I encourage not only myself but also everyone to continue working hard and step at a time make this world a better place, get our economy out of the dumps and make enough money for all of us to retire and party all day everyday! Hard work pays off, pay now and play later!


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