Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Prayer for the Families

     Yesterday our country suffered a great loss in the Connecticut shooting. This is a time for each of us to send our prayers and hearts to each of the families who have suffered greatly and know a pain that many of us will never know. This is a time where we must realize how much each of us really has and that family is all that matters in the end. We all may wonder how someone could ever look into the eyes of these children and mercilessly kill them and although this person was disturbed and perhaps mentally ill there is no way to justify what he did. So today is a day for mourning for the families who lost and throughout the day we should remember them and pray that they get all of the time, love and prayers they need to make it through this difficult time. I can never imagine losing any of my family to a tragedy such as this and these poor families never deserved to have their children taken from them. These children had Christmases, birthdays and all of their lives to look forward to and it was taken from them, so please God take care of them in Heaven as they join you in a place of perfection. Bless the teachers who risked their lives to keep the children safe and became heroes for the rest of us to look up to. It's time to take a stand against this unnecessary violence and unite as a nation to fight against these criminals and murderers, it's time for a change. To each family that lost their children: We love you and pray that you can somehow regain your strength, hope and lives in this difficult time you are not alone and we are all behind you, praying for you and will support you in any way we can. You are loved.

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