Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ten Behaviors To Give Up For Success

In order to be successful in this world in this day and age we must learn to be the best at everything we do. Everyday that we sit and wait we are simply being passed up by people who have the drive and the right mentality to work as hard as possible everyday and make their lives better. This was a meeting that I listened to in my workplace and it has many tips that I feel can help each of us in our everyday lives.

     10 Behaviors to Give Up
        1.Give up the Habitat of Waiting
             Everyday we sit and wait for opportunity to find us, we end up losing out on opportunities that others are taking advantage of. It's our time to shine and make a name for ourselves rather than being left behind.
        2. Give up Making Excuses
              Each of us take the time to make an excuse for why bad things happen and we fail. Rather than always blaming the times or others around you, take the time to understand that you shape your own world and everything around it. No one is at fault except you.
        3. Give up Trying to be Perfect
             No one will ever be perfect so we have to realize that we can strive to do our best, but with every failure brings the strength to succeed later on. Do not try to be perfect because it is an impossible standard to hold yourself to. Be the best you that you can be and learn to be happy with it.
        4. Give up Doing Wrong Things
              We are what we do and the people who do wrong things every single day. Make an effort to be a better person and one who strives in the right not the wrong. Keep yourself to a higher standard than what the people in this world are doing everyday.
        5. Give up the Feeling of Entitlement
              No one in this world owes you anything. Don't expect your success to come from anyone else as this is simply a world where you must make your own way and keep striving and pushing everyday to earn your way and create your own success.
        6. Give up Relationships that Expect you to Change
              People in this world did not become successful by changing themselves to be like everyone wanted them to be. Each day we must learn to embrace our individuality and show it to the world with pride and prestige because each of us has something to offer the world.
        7. Give up Letting Others Decide what you can and cannot do
               You are your own leader. Do not let anyone tell you how to live and what you can and cannot do. People told Walt Disney that he was not creative and look what he created. No one knows what you can do only you have that control.
        8. Give up Being Helpless
                We are in control of everyday be the leader you need to be in order to succeed. You are not helpless rather you are strong and can change everything for yourself.
       9. Give up Worrying about past Failures
                Do not worry about failures that have came and went. If we concentrate on learning from each failure we can only develop ourselves into more well-rounded successful individuals. Embrace your failures, because without failures we cannot succeed.
      10. Give up Blaming Others
                 There is no one to blame for your failures except yourself. Just as if you came successful one day you can do it and say that YOU DID IT! No need for anyone sharing your success story, just as they should not have anything to do with your failures.

Just some words I thought would help everyone grow a little bit in themselves everyday until meeting their ultimate goals! Do not strive to be mediocre but strive for success, strive to be the best!

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