Currently most physical laborers have to take brief breaks between their work to not exhaust their body to quickly and this exoskeleton is supposed to help decrease the frequency of these breaks by taking stress off of the human body itself. The exoskeleton is able to support tools up to 36 pounds making it so that the load is transferred from the worker's hands and arms to the device which transports that weight to the ground through its design. The overall goal is to lighten the amount that workers have to carry while making them more productive and allow them to focus on quality more effectively.
In the past there have been other exoskeletons such as TALOS (Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit) which essentially was a computer driven exoskeleton but it focused more on turning a normal individual into a sort of Iron Man. This on the other hand is purely hardware that has been designed optimally to help all sort of physcial laborers. The Navy has already purchased two exoskeletons and will begin testing them over the next several months.
That being said this exoskeleton is a wearable technology with no computers or software involved. Simple equip the exoskeleton and attach the machine you want to use. The design takes pressure off your knees, arms, legs and even back to allow your stamina to raise greatly during physically exhausting tasks. It is also designed with everyday movements in mind. Allowing you to squat, bend and even walk stairs while hardly noticing you have it on.
In a world where efficiency is valued among businesses it is important for the worker to get every benefit necessary to help improve speed and quality this exoskeleton solves both for the physical industries in the world. The question is with a device such as this will we start seeing construction workers and many other jobs take on this new exoskeleton or will it just be meant for our armed forces. Wait and see!

Sources: Wired
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