Thursday, April 30, 2015

Windows 10 The Cross-Platform OS

Windows 10 Bringing Devices Together
     The goal of windows 10 is to bring all of your devices together. This goal is not easily attainable but definitely in sight for the Windows Development team. With Windows 8 being the huge failure that we all know it was, we have high hopes for the Windows 10 operating system. Imagine being able to access your PC from your phone, Xbox and tablet always having all of your information on hand and not simply through a cloud but rather through an OS that allows constant access. This is what windows 10 is hoping to accomplish, with a free upgrade being offered for windows 10 from windows 7 and 8 devices it definitely will get the users it needs to be thoroughly tested and attract developers to the OS.

Windows Store Updates
     The windows store has been in quite a sad state with not enough developers giving quality applications it has overall been lacking compared to its competitors but Windows 10 will bring several changes that will hopefully attract new developers and bring the store back into the running.
      The store will offer businesses admin abilities such as highlighting apps for employees to download, distribute selected apps from windows store to their employees and even use business payment methods to allow quick and easy payments.
     For the end-users, the apps will install and uninstall more easily and completely with support for a global range of payment methods on all devices, this will make it the largest carrier billing footprint of any ecosystem, supporting 90 carriers to help all people who may not have credit cards but still have phones.
     Finally, for developers there are new capabilities being added as well:
               1. Carrier billing throughout all Windows 10 devices, which is estimated to increase purchases the market by up to 8x's.
               2. In-app purchase subscription support
               3. New Windows Store Affiliate Program
               4. Updated Windows 10 Microsoft Advertising SDK with support for video ads and install tracking.
     It is nice to see that Microsoft is seeing the weak-points of the Windows Store and improving them to not only catch up with the other marketplaces but also exceed the capabilities and reach that they have as well.

Windows Continuum Universal Platform Innovation
     With the Windows 10 Universal Platform design, it allows for developers to create a single application which will automatically be able to function on all Windows 10 devices. As the UI/UX for Windows 10 is automatically built to adapt to all different screen sizes the developer will then be able to simply tailor applications to unique capabilities of each device, rather than create multiple applications designed to work for each device individually. This includes integrating Cortana and Xbox Live to their applications, which offer trusted commerce, natural user input, create holograms and more. 

Continuum for Phones

Microsoft HoloLens: Partner Spotlight with Trimble

With all of these updates coming quickly to the Windows 10 scene, we are excited to see what Developers will bring to the table for users like us to enjoy over the next months.

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