As you can see in the picture to the left this is actually a truly transparent solar cell and although other solar cells have claimed to be transparent in the past but typically cast a shadow or some sort of awkward colorful shadow when the light hit them making them not full transparent at all.
However, Michigan State researchers used a different technique for collecting sunlight and it has yielded a true fully transparent solar cell that could actually be used and seen through by the naked eye at all times.
Now that this technology is available I believe that it should be immediately taken advantage of as their are so many uses that could come from this. Anything from car windows to your iPhone screen could be created with this technology and not only provide green energy but also save the users money and time by not having to hook their phone up to a charger as often or not having to gas up the car all the time.
It's amazing that with technology although we may not be working with the environment directly we help to slow the pollution that we add on a daily basis and take advantage of the pure resources around us. I see a bright future for this new technology and cannot wait to see what uses come about in our everyday lives for it.
Sources: Extreme Tech
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